Free Oil Painting Giveaway!! Terms and Consitions
Enter your email for a chance to #WIN a 150cm x 80cm Oil Painting of College Green Dublin! Framed, Delivered and Hung on your walls for FREE! 🎉
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- Like this post.
- Go to our official website > and enter your email address to join our mailing list. You will get monthly updates and first dibs on any new works of our new Oil Paintings arrivals.
Don’t miss the chance to make this oil painting your own! Competition starts today May 13, 2022 and will end on Jun 13, 2022. Hurry up as there’s only one lucky winner to be picked!
The winner will be selected randomly and will be announced on 14th of June 2022 and will own the free large oil painting of College Green Dublin. Framed, delivered and hung for free.
- Must be a resident of Ireland/ N. Ireland
- Must be 18yrs old and above
- There is no purchase necessary to enter or win. Winner will be picked randomly
*“All entries and any copyright subsisting in the entries become and remain the property of the promoter who may publish or cause to be published any of the entries received.”
Please note that the prize cannot be exchanged for any monetary value. The painting is already framed and ready to hang and there can be no change of frame or painting choice. This particular prize is non redeemable.